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Keeping Residents Safe

University Housing provides students with an extraordinary residential experience while maintaining a safe and healthy community. Personal attention, responsiveness and student well-being are our top priorities. 

This year, students will enjoy campus activities that define the hallmark OU experience. The guidance of health and safety experts will inform our best practices as we enjoy abundant programming and social opportunities, and build friendships that will last a lifetime.

Details on our current health and safety protocol can be found below. Our protocol will continue to evolve as additional facts and information become available.

Health and Safety Advance Planning
  • Prior to moving onto campus, residents are asked to identify the plan of action they will enact if they are required to isolate as the result of a contagious illness that may endanger the larger residential population.

  • Identifying an intended isolation location will be an essential part of creating an advance plan of action. Residents who are diagnosed with a contagious illness that has been identified as a potential threat to the residential population will be expected to leave campus to isolate, and to convalesce at their permanent residence, unless prohibited by highly specific circumstances.

  • Completion of the advance planning process is required in order to move onto campus.

  • To complete the creation of an Health and Safety Advance Plan, please follow the steps shown below.
    • Log into the My Housing portal.
    • Click on Contracts/Forms.
    • Click on Form - Health and Safety Advance Plan.
    • Acknowledge the terms of the Health and Safety Advance Plan, via electronic signature, and click Continue.
    • Provide your Health and Safety Advance Plan.
    • Click Continue to submit the form.

  • Health and Safety Advance plans will be shared with the Graham Health Center.

  • Students with underlying health issues or high-risk conditions should be aware that University Housing will not be able to provide additional safety measures above and beyond what will be provided to the general population. As such, we strongly recommend that these students consult with their physician to determine if living on campus is the right decision for them.
Emergency Closings

The University reserves the right to close any or all University Housing buildings and to discontinue food service for the duration of any bona fide emergency caused by weather, power failures, strikes, riots, fires, disasters, public health emergencies, or other conditions beyond the control of the university that make it temporarily impossible or imprudent to maintain University Housing facilities or food service.

The university shall be under no obligation to abate fees or charges or to pay any damages (of any nature) as a result of any emergency closing for a period of one week or less.

Health Emergencies (Physical and Psychological)

If you are currently experiencing a health emergency, please dial 911.

In cases involving health-related emergencies (physical or
 psychological), Oakland University may take appropriate action to protect the health and safety of the individual student and of the campus.

Such action may include restriction from campus until the situation is addressed as well as notification of the student’s family. This can also include a voluntary or administrative medical withdrawal from the university.

Residents who try to physically harm themselves with the intent to complete suicide, or verbalize their intent to complete suicide, or display irrational, uncontrollable or destructive behavior that is a threat to self and/or the welfare of others, may see immediate action from University Housing. They will not be allowed to return to University Housing until they provide proof of discharge from a medical professional. Once cleared by a medical professional, the resident will be required to meet with the Dean of Students and to complete a psychological evaluation by the OU Counseling Center. Together, the Dean of Students and director of the OU Counseling Center will decide whether, and under which conditions, the student is stable enough to return to University Housing.

In case of medical emergencies, Oakland University Police Department will be contacted to determine how seriously ill or injured the student is and will call EMS for medical assistance. University employees, including University Housing staff, are not permitted to transport residents to hospitals, doctor’s offices or clinics for medical assistance. 

Any questions or concerns about the procedures used in handling psychological and medical emergencies can be answered or addressed by the Assistant Directors of Residence Life in the University Housing Office, Hamlin Hall, Room 448, (248) 370-3570.

Medical assistance can be obtained on campus at Graham Health Center Monday through Friday. Call (248) 370-2341 for clinic hours or for an appointment.

When Graham Health Center is closed, after-hours medical and emergency care can be obtained at:

  • Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital, (248) 338-5000
  • St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, (248) 858-3000
  • Ascension Providence Hospital, (248) 652-5000
Housing or Food Insecurity

New content coming soon! Please check back for updates.

If you require immediate assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at [email protected], or (248) 370-3352. 

Meal pick-up option for ill students

Students who become ill and who wish to avoid spreading illness to the campus community may utilize University Housing's Sick Meal Pick-Up process to make arrangements for a meal.

Students may complete the Sick Meal Pick-Up Request Form to designate another person to pick up a meal on their behalf. The designated pick-up person will need to select food from the items that are available in the dining hall that particular day. We ask that the ill student visit the campus dining website to note what is on the menu, and communicate any preferences to their designated pick-up person.

Please note that a separate form is needed for each requested meal. A copy of the form will be emailed to the ill student's xingtaiyichuang.com email for sharing with the designated pick-up person, and as a record of the request. Please ensure that the meals are retrieved during the advertised dining hours of operation.

Personal Safety

Students are strongly encouraged to exercise sound judgment when making decisions regarding their personal safety. Students are not encouraged to travel alone on campus after dark and should park their cars in well-lighted and well-traveled areas. It is always good practice for residents to tell their roommates/suitemates when they are going out and when they will be back. Do not let strangers or suspicious characters into any University Housing building or leave doors propped open.

If you are concerned about your safety, the safety of others or your property, or if you need any other kind of police assistance, you can contact the Oakland University Police Department. They are a certified police department and available 24 hours a day. For emergencies, call 911; for non-emergencies, call (248) 370-3331; for the hearing impaired, call (248) 370-3337 (TDD).

All residents are responsible for reporting concerning behavior. Oakland University's Report & Support Team exists to facilitate a multidisciplinary, coordinated response to reports of students, employees, or other individuals on campus who have engaged in behavior indicating a possible threat of harm to self or other members of the campus community. To learn more or submit a secure referral form to address a concern, please visit the Oakland University Police Department website.

Tornado Warnings

The Oakland University Police Department and/or University Housing staff will notify residents when there is a tornado warning. Tornado sirens also will be heard around campus. A warning means a tornado actually has been sighted, and you are to take cover immediately. Staff will direct you to the safest place in your building (usually the first floor or basement, away from any windows), or you should follow the instructions posted on each floor. Everyone should take shelter until an all-clear is issued by the Oakland University Police Department.

If you are caught outside during a warning and do not have time to reach a building, seek shelter in a low area or ditch. Lie face down and cover your face with your forearm to protect against flying debris.


Uwill provides free 24/7 mental health services for enrolled Oakland University Students.

University Housing

Hamlin Hall, Room 448
550 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-3570

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.